Spring Cleaning

A Visual Novel About Letting Go


Software Used

As the lead programmer on this project, I utilized the Unity game engine for the development of this project.

About Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning is a visual novel developed by Team Circus, which includes myself. Slowly clean out your room, deciding what can stay and what to leave behind.

My Contributions

Dialogue System

Since this is a visual novel, with large quantities of text, I developed a dialogue system to manage it all. By storing all the text in Unity TextAssets (which was later changed to JSON files), the code interpreted how to break up sentences and display them word by word.

Camera/UI Movement

While the game has no moveable character, it utilized multiple moving elements in order to keep it engaging. This included a moving camera and UI elements. By having the camera move around a larger image, it helps gives the room a since of space. The moving UI keeps the screen clutter free while still conveying crucial info when needed.

Dynamic Soundtrack

Depending on the player's choices, the game's soundtrack progressively got either claustrophobic or empty. While this system originally utilized Unity's Audio Mixer, it was later unsupported in the WebGL build of the game. The system in the final game uses multiple audio sources playing in the background, with code controlling their volume based on interaction.

Gameplay Video

Play Here!